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Odaberite kategoriju projekta:
Transboundary cooperation for revitalization of riverine habitat complex in Drava region within Natura 2000/Prekogran....
Transboundary Management Programme for the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube/Prekogranični progra....
Landscape Revitalization and Biodiversity Protection within the Cooperation in the Area of the Transboundary Biospher....
Preserving and restoring floodplain forest habitats along the Mura-Drava-Danube rivers (Project 101113557 — LIF....
Uređenje Turističko-rekreacijskog centra ‘Jezero-Hercegovac-Ružica grad
Integrated River Management/Integrirano upravljanje rijekama; acronym: Drava Life; LIFE14 NAT/HR/000115